3rd conference of Slovak Association of Sport Psychology dedicated to psychological aspects within sport

supported by Slovak Olympic and Sport Committee and Slovak Paralympic Committee,

endorsed by European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC).


October 14th 2021, 9am – 5pm CEST (GMT+1)


9:00 – 9:10


9:10 – 9:55

Age group transition in youth sport: A challenge or a threat?

Dr. Claire Rossato (UK)

9:55 – 10:40

How sport psychology can help change the view on well-being and safety in sports

MSc. Caroline Jannes (BE)

9:40 – 11:00


11:00 – 11:45

From change hater to problem-solver: The impact of mindfulness training on performance in fast changing sport situations

M.A. Barbora Kijasová (CZ)

11:45 – 12:30

Rituals versus change in mental preparation for competition

Ing. Mgr. Peter Kuračka (SK)

12:30 – 13:30

Lunch break

13:30 – 14:15

Productive training environment: Nothing will change if nothing changes

Mgr. et. Mgr. Petra Pačesová, PhD (SK)

14:15 – 15:00

An athlete or a student? Dilemma in perception of dual-career in sport

PhDr. Mojmír Trebuňák (SK)

15:00 – 15:20


15:20 – 16:50

„Adaptation to changes not only in a life of an athlete “

Panel discussion with current and former professional athletes: Zuzana Rehák Stefečeková (trap shooter, Olympic gold medalist from Tokio 2020), Richard Pavlikovský (former ice-hockey player, currently active in management of Slovak Ice-Hockey Federation) a Samuel Slovák (former soccer player, currently coach assistant in Slovak national team).

16:50 – 17:00



Online event will take place via Zoom platform and registration will be open until Wednesday Oct. 13th or until we reach the event capacity.

You can fill in your ragistration here – https://bit.ly/Psychologia-v-sporte_2021

Please be informed that after receiving your registration form and conference fee on our bank account, you will receive a link to website where you register for creating a unique url to join the conference. This link will be activated at least 15 minutes before opening of the conference.


49 EUR

Please process the payment via bank transfer to the account of Slovak Association of Sport Psychology held in Slovenská sporiteľňa bank.

IBAN – SK88 0900 0000 0051 3514 0783

To the note for recipient please write „conference + your name“.